Trust & Safety

Your safety is important to us

That's why we've developed an array of features, procedures and guidelines to ensure the safety of all on our platform.

Built-in safety features

We have a number of built-in features in our app to make parking/hosting seamless. However, when issues arise we encourage parties to contact us rather than the other party.

Direct Messaging
Our built-in messaging allows renters and parking providers to communicate securely without exchanging sensitive contact information. Messaging is enabled for the duration of the reservation allowing parties to ask questions or address concerns.

Ratings & Reviews
With our two-way rating and review system parking providers can rate and write a review on their experience renting to a particular renter. And vice versa, a renter can rate the parking provider who hosted. This ensures any user with a history of complaints or disputes is removed permanently from our plaform. If you're a renter, check a parking providers reviews in advance before booking. If you're a parking provider, check out the reviews of future renters, and cancel any reservation you aren't comfortable hosting.

SMS Updates
Our automated SMS updates ensures all parties in the reservation are kept in the loop with the agenda, ie. when a reservation starts, when the end is approaching, reminders to renter to depart on-time and overstay alerts.

Verification & Details
Every parking provider must go through a background check and verification process before they can rent on our platform. We encourage all our parking providers to upload accurate images and details regarding their spot listings. This information is then shared with potential renters* to give them an idea of what the space is like, where it's located, special features and access details.

* Security details such as access pins are only shared with actual renters. We recommend creating a seperate unique pin/key for renters, do not share your personal pin/key.

Safety Procedures

QuikSpot is intended to be a contact-free platform. We have a number of procedures and resources to eliminate unneccessary face-to-face interactions. When renting/hosting, we recommend unless absolutely necessary, please do not take communication between you and the other party off our platform.


For parking providers:

In the event of an overstay, parking providers must report the renter overstaying. Reporting an overstay can be done within the app, which will require the parking provider to take an in-app photo of the overstay vehicle. Taking the picture will record the timestamp and will be used as proof for the resulting overstay charges, in the event of a dispute. We recommend parking providers, give renters adequate time to retreive their vehicle (at least 15 minutes). In the event of an overstay, parking providers will earn additional money as per there rate and the duration of the overstay. If the overstay, exceeds 6 hours, we recommend the parking provider have the vehicle towed and to submit the towing companies details within the app, so it can be relayed to the renter.

For renters:

In the event you cannot retreive your vehicle in time, we recommend you message your parking provider and give them a heads up along with an ETA. This will reduce the chances of your car being towed, however we still recommend you retrieve your vehicle as soon as possible.


The built-in messaging functionality should be used for any and all communication. Feel free to ask your parking provider any questions, or address any concerns.


In the event of an emergency, please do not hesitate to contact authorities. We encourage our users to make good judgement and to file a police report and document any evidence in the event of damages to you're home or vehicle, this will come in handy when it is ultimately time to file a claim with the appropriate insurance parties. We require all of our renters to only park properly registered and insured vehicles on our platform.

QuikSpot will proceed with our own investigation based on evidence submitted and will charge/reimburse the appropriate parties if necessary for parking-related services.


If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns about our service, procedures or anything, please feel free to contact our support team by emailing us at or by visiting and sending us a message. We look forward to hearing from and helping our members.

Standards & Guidelines

QuikSpot encourages self-service, renters are expected to park their own vehicle and leave the property. Renters are not allowed to linger around the parking area, wander around the property or remain in their vehicles for long durations of time. Parking providers are encouraged to report renters who behave in this manner, cancel their reservation and contact authorities if the renter does not depart. Parking providers should not attempt to access or move a renters vehicle. In the event the parking provider needs to re-claim the spot, he/she should cancel the reservation and allow the renter to collect their vehicle.

Security codes

When a parking spots access is restricted by a lock or security code, the parking provider must provide access to renters of that spot. We recommend parking providers create duplicate keys or seperate access codes to provide the renter(s). Please do not provide master keys or personal access codes to renters in any occasion. If you use a security code, you can enter the security code pin when you enter/modify your parking spots listing details. This will automatically be shared with renters of your spot. If you use a physical lock, you can place the key in a designated location and enter the details in the special instructions section of your parking spots listing. Or you may contact the renter via the messenger and coordinate a hand-off of the key.

Spot listings

Parking spots added to our platform should be listed accurately. Misrepresented parking spots could be subject to removal as well as a ban. We expect parking providers to provide clear parking spaces free of debris or obstructions. Parking space should be adequately lit and close to the entrance or exit. Parking spots not secured by gate or security code, should be publically accessible. Renters should not have to interact with parking providers to park there vehicle. Driveway listings must not block sidewalks or pedestrian passings.


Parking spots listed on our platform must be added by the owner or manager of the property. During the verification process, listings that cannot be validated or whos ownership cannot be confirmed will fail the verification process and that listing will be removed. Verified parking providers who are later reported and found to not be the true owner or manager of the spot, will have their earnings forfeited, the spot will be removed from our platform and the user banned permanently.